Latest news
LEGO Challenge prototype
18. November 2020
Send off the fastet car and win the competition. See a video of our first test of this future activity.
– 18. november 2020 –
Is creativity a talent?
21. October 2020
What is creativity? Creativity is not a talent. It can be trained and you can work with it.
– 21. oktober 2020 –
New website
6. October 2020
The new website is online!!
- 5th of October 2020
Idefu apply for grant
29. September 2020
Idefu have applied for three different projects at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Here is a brief description of the three projects.
- 5th of October 2020
Contact us
Call at +45 26 14 28 78
Or write a message here
Spangbergsgade 7, 3. th
2100 København Ø
+45 26 14 28 78
CVR/VAT: 38 67 94 30