Sydhavn Recycling Depot
Case / Sydhavn Recycling Depot
Teaching environment at Sydhavn Recycling Depot opened in May 2019 and driven by Amager Ressource Centre (ARC).
Idefu have developed the courses for 0.-6. grades together with employees at ARC. Subsequently, Idefu won the procurement and designed and furnished the room together with skilled colleagues.

Waste, sorting, and recycling
School classes can come to the recycling depot three times during the years. First visit focus on waste and sorting. Second visit on recycling and a historical view on waste handling. And the third visit focus on waste as a ressource and an alternative to exploiting the resources of the Earth.
The room lies at a terrace with an overview over the recycling depot.
One room for it all
The sitting stairs gives the communicator the possibility to easily gather the pupils for brief instructions.
In the room, wall and pilars of waste are used as design elements and to support the teaching. The walls have mixed waste, while it is sorted in the pillars.

The great waste clock
The big clock in the room have a flashlight and a magnifying glass and hands. During the visit, the pupils are 'waste detectives' that must investigate the waste.
The clock has a diameter of 1.2 meters and is radio controlled.
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Design details

The oldest pupils must find hidden posts in the room. In the end they need four digits as the code to the padlocks.

The puzzle
The puzzle is one of the missions. Here the pupils can see what happens when they throw their old phones in the container for electronics or in the regular bin.

The timeline
The timeline shows how the Danish society have handled waste since the Stone Age.
For graphics are used a thin foil to avoid it from scaling due to curious fingers.

Waste wall ready for installation
The walls are filled with mixed waste from different fractions. They work as a decorative element, support the teaching, and have a acoustic effect.
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See cases
The Bubblearium
Interactive exhibition on soap bubbles. You can make bubbles and learn more the science behind.
Opened in 2017 at Experimentarium